Monday, March 28, 2011

Lamp OOO

Lamp OOO by Sergio Mannino and Jan Habraken

"This table light synthesizes elements of Italian architecture and Dutch industrial design. Most remarkable is the fact that the light contains three 10-watt bulbs in an era when compact fluorescent (CFL) lights are de rigueur. The low-watt bulbs were chosen deliberately because they are a more sustainable choice for the environment. The amount of energy required to manufacture CFL bulbs and to recycle them is actually greater than the energy they save. CFLs also present a serious problem in terms of disposing of millions of mercury-containing lamps, as well as posing health risks to workers in the factories that produce them. And who can deny that the warm light of the standard bulb is far more pleasant than the new LED or CFL? In 000, the bulbs themselves, along with a beloved pile of books or magazines, become the ornament. With this in mind, while seeking a suitable manufacturer to produce the lamp, Mannino and Habraken will sell 000 with a stack of books personally handpicked and signed by the designers in a limited edition of 99 pieces. Each lamp will be accompanied by different books to suggest that design can take many subjects as its theme, not just function and efficiency." -- words from the designers

This is another take on environmental friendly lights and we don't always have to reserve to LEDs.

Diana Lin Design LLC

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